Details of window opener installation steps

2021-07-23 316

What is a window opener? As the name suggests, it is a device for opening windows.

Now the floors of our houses are getting higher and higher. In dozens or hundreds of floors in many big cities, you can usually use the window opener to open the windows. We open the windows. If the windows are too high, it will be difficult for us to open the windows by ourselves; If the window is too heavy, it will be troublesome to open and close, so the window opener was used at that time, but how to install it? Let's introduce it through a small clip!

Installation of window opener

1. Before installation, first understand the window type for installing the electronic window opener and how to open it.

2. Check whether the voltage of the window opener is AC (220VAC) or DC (24VDC) to prevent it from being burned by excessive current when using the window opener next time.

3. Prepare tools, drilling tools and drivers and prepare to install them.

4. According to the size of the window opener installation instructions, use a ruler and pen to accurately indicate the screw hole position of fixing the installation line of the installation column and window sash on the window frame of the window opener. At this time, please drill holes and connect the window frame installation line of the window opener.

5. The window opener pad can be connected to the window fan installation line through the socket, and then the electronic window frame installation column of the window opener can be accurately tightened.

6. After installing the electric shock window opener type base plate, connect the power supply and conduct commissioning. The commissioning depends on whether the window opener is installed safely, whether the window is tightly closed and locked, whether the base plate hits the window frame, whether the base plate extends along a straight line, etc.

7. If the power window can be opened freely according to the above operation, it shall be installed by power, and the pad type power installation is over.

Installation technology of window opener:

1. The window opener shall be powered on and operated for one cycle before installation, and the integrity of the window opener shall be checked before installation.

2. The window opener detects whether the window opening stroke is greater than that before installation and whether the window opening is normal;

3. When installing the fixed seat, please ensure that the center of the fixed seat and the center of the window do not overlap;

4. When the window opener is opened, the tail of the window opener swings due to the attachment of the pillar. At this time, it cannot contact the window frame or other objects;

5. Before the window opener works, please turn off the controller to prevent the risk of electric shock;

6. During the execution of the window opener, do not put your hand between the window frame and the window sash to avoid clamping your hand.

So far, we have introduced the implementation method of a small part of the window opener. After reading the introduction in the small part, you can continue to work. I think it's best to find a special installation program to implement the window opener. Note that there are various types of installers. In addition, you can use installation techniques and precautions as needed, so please read them carefully.


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